Registered Investment Advisor

What does RIA stand for? You.

We are an RIA, Registered Investment Advisor. In other words, we are completely independent and not tied to any broker-dealer incentives, sales quotas, or proprietary products.

Most of our services are offered on a fee-based structure, which means that when you succeed, we succeed. Because of this, we strive to always do right by our client and give you the best options available.

RIA Promises: Tailored advice based on your goals.

We are an independent registered investment advisory firm. We work for you, making your goals our goals. By not being tethered to any outside influences, we can offer advice and recommendations that suit your specific needs.

RIA Promises: You know what you’re paying for.

Our fee structure is transparent and easy to understand. By utilizing a percentage-based fee model, your goals and our goals are aligned. When you do well, we do well.

RIA Promises: Advice for your complex needs.

In addition to our advice being tailored to your specific goals, we can also meet your topical and complex planning needs. Our experienced planning team can offer guidance on a multitude of financial issues ranging from investment strategy, proper risk allocation, debt minimization, tax-strategy, accumulation strategy, legacy and estate planning, small business planning, cash flow management, longevity, legislation change, etc.

RIA Promises: A different kind of relationship.

We want to know you, not just your finances. In order to have a strong relationship, the trust factor needs to be high. The only way to build that trust is to encourage communication and see you on a routine basis. We preschedule our clients’ meetings to ensure this goal is met.

RIA Promises: You know where your money is held.

We do not take title to your assets. Instead, we utilize reputable and well-known custodians in the industry; Schwab, Fidelity, and TD Ameritrade. Our clients have full access to their accounts, but because of the trust factor mentioned above, give us discretionary privileges over their portfolio.

Let’s get started: