Financial planning sessions can be the key to unlocking a prosperous financial future. But how do you ensure that each meeting is not just a tick on your calendar but a productive step towards your goals? The success of these sessions doesn’t just rest on the expertise and guidance of your financial advisor; it’s also dependent on your active participation and commitment to achieving your goals.

Before your next meeting rolls around, be prepared with these insights and helpful tips on fostering a fruitful planning session.

Common Items Covered During a Session

While your advisor will personalize each session according to your specific needs and objectives, they’ll typically cover a few general areas.

Review of your current financial situation

Before diving into financial advice, you and your advisor will thoroughly review your assets, liabilities, income, and expenses. This foundational step ensures everyone has a clear picture of where you stand financially, laying the groundwork for informed, personalized planning.

Personalized recommendations

Your advisor will analyze your financial situation, goals, and risk tolerance to create customized investment, savings, and other strategies. These tailored plans are designed to guide you in reaching your personal financial objectives.

Implementation and monitoring

With a plan in place, the focus shifts to execution and regular oversight. This involves setting clear action steps and periodic reviews so your strategy adapts to changes in your life or the financial world.

What Makes a Good Session?

A successful financial planning session hinges on a blend of preparation, engagement, and adaptability. Once you’ve organized your essential documents and clearly defined your goals, you’ll be ready to engage in a productive two-way dialogue (don’t forget to actively seek clarity on anything you don’t understand). Additionally, ensure you stay flexible, as unexpected topics may emerge and warrant deeper discussion.

Post-meeting, reflect on the session’s effectiveness and commit to implementing the strategies discussed. This approach ensures each meeting with your financial advisor isn’t just a routine exchange but a purposeful stride towards achieving your financial aspirations.

How to Prepare


Financial documents

These provide a snapshot of where you currently stand financially. Your list of documents may include recent bank statements, income and expenses, a summary of any debt, insurance policies, investment statements, and so on.

Your goals and dreams

Financial planning isn’t just about the numbers. It’s also about what you hope to achieve in life. Maybe you dream of a vacation home, or perhaps you’re hoping to retire early. Whatever your aspirations, sharing them with your advisor ensures the financial plan is tailored to your unique desires.


Effective communication is at the heart of any successful financial planning session. By posing the right questions, you stay informed about your investments and strategies and ensure your financial advisor understands your concerns and goals. Here are some essential questions to consider during your next meeting:

  • How has my portfolio performed this quarter/year?
  • What, if any, changes have been made to my portfolio and why?
  • Are there any anticipated market events or trends I should be aware of?
  • How are external factors (like tax changes, economic policies, or global events) potentially impacting my financial plan?

These questions will cover the foundation of your check-in, but don’t hesitate to ask any other questions you may have regarding your financial plan. Your advisor is there to address any concerns, ensure your financial strategy remains relevant, and make adjustments as needed.


Be ready to accept advice

It’s essential to enter each meeting with an open mind. While you might have your own perceptions and beliefs about money and investing, remember that the advisor brings a wealth of knowledge and an outside perspective. Their advice is grounded in market research, extensive qualifications, and professional experience. Even if certain suggestions seem unexpected or counterintuitive, take the time to understand the reasoning behind them.

Be honest and open

For your advisor to effectively assist you, full transparency is paramount. Did you splurge on an unplanned vacation? Or perhaps you loaned a significant amount to a friend? This isn’t just about revealing numbers but also about communicating your fears, aspirations, and slip-ups. Remember, your advisor isn’t there to judge but to guide you. Being candid ensures that the advice you receive is both relevant and actionable.

At Ironwood Wealth Management, we’re always committed to fostering productive planning sessions that get you closer to your financial goals. Connect with us today to learn more about our holistic, client-first approach to financial planning.