Do you have a 10-year financial plan? If not, working towards your goals can feel like scaling a mountain without any tools. But with the right strategies, you can chart a clear path and achieve your long-term milestones.

What is a 10-year financial plan?

A 10-year financial plan is your blueprint to reach your goals over the next decade. It considers your savings, investments, expenditures, and other financial endeavors, providing a structured approach to achieving various long-term financial objectives.

These plans take a slightly different approach than a one- or five-year plan, focusing on growth potential, long-term financial stability, and adapting to life’s evolving needs and circumstances.

What should be included in your plan?

Financial goals

What are you hoping to achieve in the next 10 years? Whether it’s buying a home, paying off credit card debt, or adding a certain amount to your retirement savings, stating your goals gives your plan purpose and direction.

Current financial situation

Detail your current assets, liabilities, income, and expenses to establish a baseline from which you’ll measure your progress.

Investment strategy 

What strategies will you use to grow your wealth? This might include stocks, bonds, or even real estate. Consider growth-oriented investments, as a 10-year timeline gives you some cushion for recovery should the market experience temporary downturns.


Create a comprehensive monthly or annual budget to stay on track to achieving your decade’s objectives. Factor in regular bills, potential unexpected expenses, contributions to retirement accounts, and any other financial commitments.

Risk management

What are the potential risks to your 10-plan financial plan? What do you need to mitigate those risks? This might include diversifying your portfolio, considering various insurance options, and consulting with an advisor for other tailored strategies.

How do you start (and follow) your plan?

Set clear, achievable goals

Beyond stating what you want to achieve, break down larger objectives into smaller milestones. For example, if an overarching goal is to save for a house, break that down by setting annual savings targets.

Research and invest wisely

Before investing your money, it’s essential to understand where it’s going. Thoroughly research investment opportunities, assessing their potential returns and risks. Additionally, be aware of fleeting market trends. Don’t jump on the latest bandwagon without understanding how it aligns with your goals and risk tolerance.

Stick to your budget

As part of the planning process, consider developing strategies for adhering to your budget, such as using apps to track spending and setting up automatic transfers to savings accounts.

Monitor and adjust

Financial planning, whether for one, 10, or 20 years, shouldn’t be a “set it and forget it” process. As life changes and markets shift, it’s vital to revisit and adjust your plan to stay on course.

Stay educated

The financial landscape is constantly evolving. Keep yourself updated to ensure you’re making informed decisions and capitalizing on emerging opportunities.

10-Year Planning Mistakes to Avoid

Underestimating the impact of debt

High-interest debt can significantly slow your financial progress. Prioritize paying these off or consolidating them to more manageable interest rates.

Neglecting the effects of inflation

A dollar today probably won’t have the same value in 10 years. Be sure to account for inflation in your plan, especially when dealing with areas like your retirement savings, where you might need more capital than you think.

Being unaware of tax implications

Investment returns, savings interest, and certain types of income can have various tax implications. Take the time to understand your tax liability to avoid unexpected charges on your tax returns.

Avoiding professional advice

While it’s possible to draft a financial plan on your own, working with a financial advisor can be invaluable. They bring expertise, tailored recommendations, and an objective outside view to the planning process.

Creating a comprehensive 10-year financial plan can be overwhelming, but with the help, it doesn’t need to be. Contact us today to learn more about our financial planning services.